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在数字化时代,英语学习的方式正在经历前所未有的变革。传统的英语学习方法往往侧重于死记硬背和机械练习,但”AI DICT”应用则凭借其先进的AI技术,为用户提供了一个全新的英语学习平台。这款应用不仅简化了学习流程,还通过一系列智能化的功能,让英语学习变得更加高效、便捷。 一、智能问答即时性:用户提问后,AI助手可以迅速给出答案,无需等待。 准确性:AI助手具备强大的自然语言处理能力,能够准确地...


一、待办事项清单:你需要用它做什么一份高效的待办事项清单将协助你完成以下事情。 第一,它可以帮你掌控工作进程——它会告诉你需要做什么,以及什么可以放在后面做。一种好的任务管理法会使工作进程不那么混乱。 第二,你不至于错过任务的截止日期。一份合适的待办事项清单,将帮助你根据任务的重要性和紧迫性设定当天必须完成的事。你能依照清单把时间和精力都投入到最有价值的地方。 第三,待办事项清单将确保你在正...

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Ligh...

A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with copywriting and branding specialist, Jasmin Alic, when we began talking about perceived effect. “Some people say I could get 1,000 likes on...

I started blogging in 2002. Prior to that, I’d operated a website for about six years, but what grabbed me about blogging was the speed and the responsiveness - the way blogs picked up on what ot...

In the early ‘90s, a New Zealand man named Neil Fleming decided to sort through something that had puzzled him during his time monitoring classrooms as a school inspector. In the course of watching 9,000 different classes, he noticed that only some teachers were able to reach each and every one of their students. What were they doing differently?

You have greater capability and autonomy to build your own habits than ever before in the world we live in today, and yet most people are living a life of distraction.

Most people’s habits are literally destroying their brains.

With these destructive habits, you won’t be able to progress.

In this article, I will help you become aware of the 3 toxic and destructive habits that are destroying your brain. I’ll then give you the tools you need to train your brain how to get the results you want.

